Helping Clients Reach Favorable Terms When Dissolving a Marriage

Many couples who are no longer happy in their marriage find that marriage dissolution is a favorable route rather than getting a divorce. Unlike in a contested divorce, the marriage dissolution process remains in control of the individuals ending their marriage. The couple settles each and every matter – often on amicable terms – and a judge will merely approve the plans and legally dissolve the marriage. This avoids an expensive court battle and can leave the couple with better feelings as they move on toward their future after the marriage ends.

An Ohio dissolution attorney is an excellent ally through the legal process of marriage dissolution. Your qualified family law attorney can identify your rights and ensure you are protected throughout the dissolution process. Since dividing marital assets, developing a parenting plan, and settling legal matters like spousal support and child support can be emotional, having your interests represented by an attorney is a good idea. And if the process doesn’t go as planned and you need help beginning divorce proceedings, your Columbus dissolution lawyer can assist you with this process.

At Carpenter Family Law LLC, we fight for our clients, whether working toward marriage dissolution, legal separation, or divorce. We understand how stressful and complicated it can be to end a marriage that has lasted for years, and we can help get you a favorable final dissolution decree no matter what challenges you and your spouse are facing. Call our skilled legal team today to learn how we can help you at 614-553-0260.

What Is Marriage Dissolution Under Ohio Law?

Understanding Ohio law regarding ending a marriage can be confusing with the many options available. Depending on your current situation, religious beliefs, and relationship with your ex, you may choose to go one of various routes. The three options available for couples in Ohio are legal separation, marriage dissolution, and divorce.

  • Legal separation – A legal separation agreement follows the same pattern as marriage dissolution and divorce. The couple must go through the same work of dividing the marital estate, establishing parental rights, assigning child custody, and determining child support and spousal support payments. However, in legal separation, the couple remains legally married. This can benefit couples who want to maintain the benefits of health insurance or retirement plans or who have strong religious beliefs that prevent them from getting a divorce.
  • Marriage dissolution – Dissolving an Ohio marriage legally terminates the marriage. However, it feels less contentious than a divorce and allows the couple to maintain control over the many decisions involved. For example, the dissolution proceeding involves the division of family assets, creating parenting agreements, assigning child custody, and deciding on terms for child support and alimony. Some downsides to dissolution include the time this process may take if one spouse drags their feet or refuses to compromise.
  • Divorce – Many couples end up getting a divorce, even if they started out with legal separation or dissolution in mind. The fact is that it can be impossible to resolve differences with a stubborn spouse, making it necessary to get a court order that finalizes the end of the marriage. Contested divorces can be stressful, so hiring a Columbus dissolution lawyer is extremely important.

What Issues May Come Up When Dissolving an Ohio Marriage?

Dissolution of marriage in Ohio involves many decisions that affect the couple moving forward. Some of the various aspects of the marriage dissolution process include:

  • Filing the marriage dissolution petition – Some couples disagree on how to proceed with the termination of the marriage.
  • Parental rights – When children are involved, decisions regarding the care of the children can be emotional and highly stressful. The couple must choose how to proceed with custody rights, visitation rights, child support payments, and more.
  • Property division – One of the most complicated aspects of marriage dissolution or divorce includes dividing the marital estate. Both parties must fully agree for the dissolution process to be completed. This includes dividing assets such as the family home, family’s bank account, retirement accounts, investments, businesses, vehicles, and savings accounts.

By working out these issues in dissolution proceedings, family law attorneys can help avoid the extra costs and time spent in a divorce court. You will only need to make a single court appearance in the final dissolution hearing, keeping control of the decisions in your hands rather than a private judge who does not have all the details about your life.

How Can a Dissolution Attorney Help Me?

Before filing for dissolution of marriage, every couple should consult with a dissolution lawyer who can counsel on whether dissolution is the right path in their circumstances. Working with a lawyer, you can avoid the financial strain, wasted time, and emotional pain of a legal battle. Family lawyers also ensure that both parties are protected while fighting for their client’s best interests.

Whether you are starting the dissolution process or need representation going into the final hearing, our legal team can help. Call our experienced Columbus dissolution attorney immediately for the excellent counsel and representation you need at this critical time.

Should You Hire Our Dissolution Attorney?

If you are trying to avoid a contested divorce and want to move on as quickly as possible after dissolving your marriage, you need help from a compassionate, knowledgeable legal team. At Carpenter Family Law LLC, we promise to leverage our decades of experience to get you the favorable outcome you need during the dissolution of your marriage.

We will stand by your side throughout the dissolution process and help you and your spouse decide the best path forward. We offer creative solutions that meet both parties’ needs while preserving our clients’ rights and precious family relationships. Call our caring, compassionate legal team today at 614-553-0260.