Helping Clients Resolve Child Custody Issues Creatively with Satisfactory Results

When a couple divorces, one of the primary matters that must be settled is how to arrange the care for their children. Ohio law recognizes that the welfare of the children must be of primary importance when deciding child custody issues. It is important to note that, in the majority of child custody cases, a child fares better when they have a steady relationship with both parents. Ohio judges affirm this belief by attempting to distribute parental responsibilities and rights between both parents whenever possible.

In some cases, a parent may seek sole guardianship because of abuse, the child’s age, the child’s preferences, the other parent’s ability to care for the child, and other factors. Whether you are seeking to protect your parental rights through a child custody case or simply want to negotiate fair terms with a divorcing spouse, we can help. Columbus child custody lawyers understand the legal repercussions and duties of a parenting plan and can get you the child custody arrangements you need.

Carpenter Family Law LLC‘s child custody attorney values parental relationships and demonstrates this by seeking creative solutions that maintain both parents in the child’s life as much as possible. We work with clients daily who need to dissolve their marriage but want to keep their relationship with their children intact. We will listen carefully to your needs and goals and fight tirelessly to achieve unique solutions that satisfy all parties. Call now to schedule your complimentary phone consultation at 614-553-0260.

What Are My Options for Child Custody in Ohio?

When you are seeking a favorable child custody order in Ohio, you should first understand your options. Many states refer to legal and physical guardianship of the child and define firm boundaries between joint custody and sole custody. Lawmakers in Ohio increasingly refer to parental responsibilities as a whole and attempt to award shared parenting arrangements whenever possible. However, sometimes, sole legal custody or sole physical custody may be appropriate.

Shared Parenting Arrangements

In a shared parenting plan, both parents divide responsibilities for the following items and more:

  • Living arrangements for the children
  • Medical care
  • Education
  • Child support obligations
  • Schedules for family visits and holidays, also known as a visitation plan
  • Child care if both parents work
  • Religious upbringing
  • How the child will travel between the parents’ homes
  • Travel restrictions, if desired by either parent

Using a shared parenting plan brings excellent benefits for the child’s mental and physical health. Child custody attorneys like those at our law firm can help you achieve joint legal custody and get the time with your child that you both need.

Sole Legal Custodianship

Sole custody or legal guardianship may sometimes be necessary if one of the parents is unable to provide a safe environment for the children. For example, if one parent engages in domestic violence, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, neglect, or another form of child abuse, it may not be a safe place for the child.

The child’s wishes are also considered when deciding child custody matters. In sole physical custody cases, the child would live at one parent’s home. It is also possible to share legal custody, or the decision-making responsibility, with the other parent while the child lives with one residential parent.

How Can My Spouse and I Control Our Child Custody Agreement?

Working through child custody issues can be highly complex and emotional. Typically, both parents want what’s best for their children, but they may disagree on which path is suitable for the family. Child custody lawyers like Attorney Carpenter can help ensure you and your spouse abide by Ohio child custody laws and work out custody arrangements that meet your family’s needs. Two of the most common methods of resolving these critical issues are through mediation and in family court.

Child Custody Mediation

When you and your spouse use a mediator in Columbus, OH, you have a greater chance of maintaining control over the final decision. You can ensure your voice is heard since a neutral third party will listen to both sides and help negotiate a decision. Many family law attorneys recommend mediation to prevent grudges and hard feelings that could last decades. Mediation also saves the family from a lengthy and expensive legal battle. However, you should note that mediation decisions are not legally binding and often must go before a family court judge for approval.

Court-Ordered Custody Decisions

If the couple fails to agree on a custody plan, they may take the matter before the court for a family court judge to decide. The judge will carefully review the case to make a decision in the best interests of your children. The judge will also ensure that each parent’s child custody rights are respected as much as possible.

Some downsides of using the court system are the cost and stress of appearing before the court. However, your family law attorney can represent you to take much of this burden off your shoulders.

What Factors Will a Judge Base Their Decision on in My Child Custody Arrangement?

It can be unnerving to have your case brought before a judge who is not familiar with you, your background, or your child’s history. Whether you are seeking joint custody or sole custody in Ohio, having your child custody determined by a judge can be scary. One of the best things you can do is hire a family law attorney to present your case confidently and provide evidence that preserves your parental rights.

Some factors a judge may consider when deciding on child custody in family law cases include:

  • What solution will be most beneficial for the child’s welfare
  • Each of the child’s parents ability to provide a safe environment for the child
  • The child’s interaction with each parent
  • Each parent’s physical and mental health
  • Any history of neglect or abuse
  • The location of each parent’s home in relation to the child’s school and activities
  • The child’s wishes
  • Each parent’s willingness to encourage a positive relationship with the other parent

Contact our law offices for legal counsel on how to get a favorable outcome in court.

Can Child Custody Orders Be Modified?

Sometimes, unforeseeable life changes affect each parent’s ability to care for their children. Ohio courts permit child custody orders to be modified in certain circumstances. Some instances that may merit a modification in your child custody agreement include:

  • Change of residence of the residential parent
  • Likelihood of harm in the environment where one parent lives
  • Change in employment status of one parent
  • Remarriage of a parent
  • Adoption of a child by a step-parent
  • One parent failing to uphold previous custody decisions, including denying visitation rights to the other parent
  • An amicable agreement to modify the custody rights

Our child custody attorney can help ensure your child’s best interest is met, including modifying custody orders as needed. Call today for help reaching a positive outcome in your custody case.

Should You Hire Our Child Custody Attorney?

Reaching an agreement regarding child custody during a divorce or separation proceedings can be incredibly challenging. Each parent may fight aggressively for what they believe is the best interest of their child and fail to arrive at an agreement. At this critical time, you need support from family law attorneys who understand Ohio law and are willing to fight for your rights.

At Carpenter Family Law LLC, we know how important it is to have the parenting time you need. Our priority is always to ensure the child’s care is handled appropriately and that our clients get the parenting rights they deserve. We care about your family’s well-being and will work tirelessly to achieve creative solutions that match your needs and goals.

At our law firm, we effectively communicate to let you know what to expect at each step of the legal process. We also listen carefully to your concerns and questions to match our legal services with your family’s needs and goals. Call today to seek shared parenting arrangements, sole legal custody, sole physical custody, or any custody goals you may have. You can reach us by dialing 614-553-0260 to speak with our compassionate legal team in a free consultation.